Schroeder-Tollisan in Stock at PJ Lofts

In 2010 the entrepreneurs Dr. Vincent Schroeder (Schroeder Pigeon Products) and Johannes Jakobs (Tollisan) merged and they founded the veterinary practice and racing pigeon company Vet-Schroeder + Tollisan BV, Kerkrade (Netherlands).

The earlier practice of Dr. Schroeder in Bilzen (Belgium) additionally continued to operate.

Dr. Vincent Schroeder is from a family of racing pigeon breeders and successfully competes with his father at long distance races. In 1994 he began his studies at the University of Liege

L- R Johannes Jakobs & Dr. Vincent Schroeder


In 2000 he received his degree as a doctor of veterinary medicine. Subsequent to this he worked for a further two years in a laboratory for veterinary medicine, whereby he acquired important skills in dealing with various laboratory techniques in the fields of bacteriology and mycology. Today, these laboratory years are proving to be of great benefit in diagnosis.

In 2002 a cooperation started with veterinarian Dr. Peeters, Belgium. The cooperation lasted for four years and a wealth of knowledge in regard to racing pigeon care and racing pigeon medicine was learnt from the legendary Dr. Peeters.

In 2006 the move was made to self-employment and a racing pigeon practice opened in Bilzen (Belgium), which still today is tended to by Dr. V. Schroeder.

Johannes Jakobs also originates from a racing pigeon family. His grandfather raced pigeons to Budapest and his father also raced them to St. Pölten. Over the last 10 years Johannes Jakobs has built a reputation as one of the most prominent pigeon fanciers in Germany. Outstanding achievements in one of the largest regional associations in Germany, namely the Regional Association of Aachen-Land 415, have brought his name to the forefront.

By profession, Johannes Jakobs is a trained bank official. However, for some 15 years he was employed as a Sales Director in the pharmaceutical industry and, for several of those years, dealt with veterinarians. There is not a powder or liquide mixture unknown to him. In 2001, with the purchase of Tollisan, he took the path of self-employment within the racing pigeon sport. The distribution of Dosto-Oregano products and the PS Prange soup were further steps in the development of the brand name Tollisan.

All products were further improved in the last two years. Just good is not enough. Our aim is to constantly improve our products. The world never stands still, and neither will the Vet-Schroeder-Tollisan team. We strive to constantly improve every aspect of our actions in terms of our products, our customers and the racing pigeons.

The fact that we were able to take over the operation of Sedochol Plus from a world-wide leading company in the veterinary drug industry such as Merial, shows that we are on the right path.

DF 3000 by Dostofarm, o product for the disinfection of drinking water in the transportation unit, is described in-depth in the inner part of the brochure. For years, water hygiene in the transportation units has not been given sufficient attention.

Dosto-Oregano – Always ahead of the competition. Our new Dosto-Oregano liquid, case and powder products contain new, higher active ingredient concentrations due to additional essential oils for healthy air passages.

Due to the increase demand for probiotic, we have agreed with the market leader Dr. Brockamp to ditribute Probac 1000. With its formula based upon pigeon specific intestinal bacteria Probac 1000 is ideally suited to regenerate in intestinal flora after medication or ill health. 1gram of Probac 1000 contains over 1.5 billion bacteria endemic to the pigeon capable of colony establishment in the small intestine.

Our new product pH-Control contains both acetic acid and formic acid, natural inhibitors of pathogenic bacteria. Although similar products exist, the main difference to many similar products is pH-Control contains buffered acids so that they remain active in the intestinal tract.

Now in 2017 both companies Vet. Schroeder and Tollisan are totally merged so we decided to delete the divider in our Company name. We proudly present Vet SchroederTOLLISAN and we are ready to go with you into a successful future.

You can purchase these great products here